Curriculum STEAM - Sensor and Visualization UNO C++ Addendum

Curriculum STEAM - Sensor and Visualization UNO C++ Addendum

  • Brand: Gearbox Labs
  • Product Code: Curriculum STEAM - Sensor and Visualization UNO C++ Addendum
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $20.00

This bundle is a supplemental kit to The STEAM Edition:

The STEAM Edition Sensor Supplement Curriculum 

  • 8-project, 32-page booklet


Featuring the following projects

  • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Sensor 
  • Accelerometer / Gyroscope
  • HX-711 Analog Scale with Module and Mounting Bolts
  • Controlling a Water pump with a soil moisture sensor
  • One (1) DS18B20 Water Temperature Sensor
  • Flex Sensor controlled servo
  • BMP280 Air Pressure and Air Temperature Sensor
  • Visualizing accelerometer data with Processing

The Curriculum

  • Grades 6 and up
  • 32 full-color pages
  • 10+ Project Extensions

Content and Skills Developed

  • Integrated into STEAM content areas
  • Coding in C / C++
  • Engineering Design
  • Tools for Project-Based Learning

Student Resources

  • Step by Step Directions
  • Project Material Lists
  • Full-Color Photos and Diagrams
  • Tested C / C++ Code

Teacher Resources 

  • Assessments (Online)
  • Project Rubrics 
  • Pacing Guides
  • Copy and Paste Code  (Premium Online)
  • Standards Alignments (ISTE, NGSS, CC, USCS) (Online)
  • Curricular Integration Points
  • Project Photo / Video Submission (Online)